Do I have to pay for training my employer makes me get?
Can my employer require me to pay for my own CPR training and fingerprint clearance card? I work at a daycare and was told after [...]
Can my employer require me to pay for my own CPR training and fingerprint clearance card? I work at a daycare and was told after [...]
Is it illegal for our employer to dictate what time we can go to lunch? Posted 03-04-2014 Steve Duggan replies: No, it’s not. So long as [...]
I believe my hours were cut because I am not bilingual; I don’t speak Spanish. I asked my employer for help with Spanish, and he [...]
I have a male employee who likes to dress like a female and it causes a lot of customers to complain. He wears makeup, pink [...]
Can my employer require all its employees to disclose what medications they are taking (they say it’s for emergency purposes only) and keep it on [...]
I just found out I belong to an organization that has registered sex offenders as members. I am a teacher. Can I be fired for [...]
My company has a mandatory conference week twice a year. I got food poisoning two days into the event, from food served at a company [...]
Can you ask a potential employee if they are able to pass the drug screen before they go to take the test? Some would give [...]
Is it legal to make employees attend a baseball game during their free time? Posted 08-05-2013 Steve Duggan replies: Employers have wide discretion on what they [...]
I'm an African American female. I wear my hair in its natural state. My white co-workers and manager make fun of my hair, saying there’s [...]