Do I have to pay to wear jeans to work?
Wearing blue jeans in our office is normally against policy. The exception is that you can wear jeans on Friday but only if you pay [...]
Wearing blue jeans in our office is normally against policy. The exception is that you can wear jeans on Friday but only if you pay [...]
I work the night shift. Wednesday is payday. Recently the management posted a mandatory meeting during dayshift hours and stated that if an employee does [...]
Our workplace is dismissing employees, either firing or encouraging people to retire. What are the steps to take if I'm called in and they want [...]
Our office telephone system also has an inter office instant messaging system. This system allows you to show a status, such as "busy", "away", "lunch", [...]
Is it a violation of the Right to Privacy Act if a former employer/boss/HR Rep volunteers info to a third party that I was on [...]
I work as a federal employee, and I am a veteran with documented PTSD. Several of my fellow workers find it amusing to intentionally do [...]
I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and work in a very physically demanding workplace. The heat can be in excess of 120 degrees, [...]
I am the part-time director of a charity, and also have a business. Is it legal for my business to sell materials to the charity, [...]
At the end of the day, employees drop off the company mail on their way from the office to their home. Does this time need [...]
After I failed a drug test I was not fired but sent to outpatient drug rehab. I stopped using drugs and maintained my job at [...]