Real Men Take Paternity Leave
Posted 04-12-2014 My sister is a lifelong New York Mets fan. Good years and bad years alike, she goes to their games, watches them on [...]
Posted 04-12-2014 My sister is a lifelong New York Mets fan. Good years and bad years alike, she goes to their games, watches them on [...]
Posted 02-17-2014 The opening of a recent federal appeals court opinion is startling: “The facts of this case should greatly concern every taxpaying citizen of the [...]
Posted 01-08-2014 Happy 2014 from all of us at Fair Measures! The new year has brought with it a number of important employment law changes [...]
Posted 12-06-2013 One of the enjoyable things about being an employment lawyer is reading court opinions describing people acting oddly. Here’s one of the oddest: [...]
Posted 07-08-2013 The final week of June is usually busy at the U.S. Supreme Court, as the justices hurry to finish their opinions before July [...]
Posted 06-12-2013 Any day now, a decision is expected from the United States Supreme Court which may have wide-ranging implications for the exposure of employers [...]
Posted 05-09-2013 Some employers say that their workers are independent contractors, thereby dodging responsibility for providing benefits and paying taxes. But unless those workers are [...]
Posted 04-09-2013 When the CEOs of Yahoo and Best Buy recently announced the end of their telecommuting programs, a great debate erupted in the press, [...]
Posted 12-12-2012 Do you think your employees would rather do anything else—even have dental surgery—instead of attend training? You may want to think again. New [...]
Posted 11-08-2012 Did you know—Retaliation complaints have more than doubled over the last ten years. In fact, over the past three years, retaliation complaints are [...]