These reports contain pay and social security numbers. As an employee do I have the right to complain that my information has been compromised?
Posted 10-06-2010
Ann Kiernan replies:
There are many good reasons that a manger might take home confidential information, such as to work on annual performance reviews, budgets, or salary adjustment recommendations. But that information must be kept secure.
As a result of well-publicized incidents where hackers, misplaced laptops, or theft have lead to security breaches involving Social Security numbers, health information, credit card numbers and the like, almost every state now has legislation that requires organizations to give notice if employees’ or consumers’ personal information been compromised. As of September, 2010, only Alabama, Kentucky, New Mexico, and South Dakota lacked such laws.
The National Conference of State Legislatures has prepared a nifty chart with links to all of these state laws, so you can check to see what applies in your state.
Information here is correct at the time it is posted. Case decisions cited here may be reversed. Please do not rely on this information without consulting an attorney first.